Series-1 (July-August 2019)July-August 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: aim to explore and investigate Clarify of Sudan external debt , the reasons, details of obligation, also a position on the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative, also clarifying the correlation and impact of changes in the exchange rate and inflation rate on total external debt after the independence of Southern Sudan in September 2011 for period 2010-2017,The first hypothesis is representing the bilateral debt and arrears, especially delayed interest rate is major factors in the external debt particularly after the independence of southern Sudan. the second hypothesis exchange rate and inflation rate has negatively effect on the external debt of Sudan for the period 2010-2017,Resulting, Existence Statistical significance relationship, and a correlation between external...........
Keywords:Sudan external debt, independence of South Sudan, exchange rate, Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
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[2]. Mohamed, Elwasila. (2018). Effect of external debt on economic growth of Sudan: Empirical analysis (1969-2015). Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development. 39. 39-62.
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[4]. ELBEELY, Khalid Hassan.(2015) Sudan's Unsustainable Debt: The Way Out!. International Journal of Business and Social Research, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 8, p. 01-07, Aug. 2015. ISSN 2164-2559. Available at: . Date accessed: 02 July 2019. doi:
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Abstract: The objective of this study is to empirically examine the direct relationship between negotiation, reciprocity, exchange characteristics and knowledge sharing on one hand, knowledge sharing and bank service innovation on the other. The study also seeks to investigate the mediating effect of knowledge sharing on the aforementioned relationship. 298 valid data were collected from senior staff of deposit money banks in Nigeria and analysed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Result of the analysis indicated that the all hypothesized relationships.........
Keywords: Banks, Knowledge sharing, PLS-SEM, Social exchange apparatuses, Service innovation
[1]. Abu Bakar, A. R., Abdul Talib, A. N., & Hashim, F. (2014). Restoring service quality, satisfaction and loyalty in higher education institutions through market orientation. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 7(1), 88-107.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Blockchain Technology in India – Prospects and Challenges |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Amanjot Kaur || Vikram Singh Sankhala |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1004012840 ![]() |
Abstract: A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers so as to have zero fault tolerance. so. In 2009, Santoshi Nakamoto used this concept to structure a crypto money currency bitcoin. In India initiative to implement a blockchain technology is taken by, among other states, the state of Andhra Pradesh in order to ensure digital security and to see how we can use blockchain in different areas or sectors. Blockchain has the potential to be used in many areas including healthcare, education, public safety, agriculture, civil registration, defense, consortium banking, payments and KYC. Blockchain structures are made up of two main components. First one is distributed ledger and second..........
Keywords: Blockchain, Government, Digital, Security, Implementation
[1]. Delloite, 2017. Blockchain. In: Blockchain technology and its potential in taxes. s.l.:s.n.
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[3]. Jani, S. & Shah, T., 2018. Applications of Blockchain Technology in Banking & Finance. Researchgate, February.
[4]. Kibet, A. & Karume, S. M., 2018. A Synopsis of Blockchain Technology. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 7(11).
[5]. Meva, D. D., 2018. Issues and Challenges with Blockchain: A Survey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING.
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Abstract: This study aims to provide empirical evidence to support a cause and effect relationship of managerial actions of post-implementation stage of an ERP implementation and the financial performance of a company. Financial figures and managerial techniques data were collected from several companies who have implemented ERP systems. Regression analysis and correlation analysis has suggested that improved technical competence have increased net sales, relationships with external experts will affect earnings, return on assets and return on investment. Top management support will impact net sales and net income. Long range plans will negatively affect earnings and improved sharing of information will affect net income, return on assets, and return on investments.
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[4]. Grabski, S.V., Leech, S.A. & Schmidt, P.J. 2011, "A Review of ERP Research: A Future Agenda for Accounting Information Systems", Journal of Information Systems, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 37-78.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Trust Relationship: Economic Development Beyond Borders |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Anindya Sinha |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1004014748 ![]() |
Abstract: Trust Relationship' is the way of economic development and future of economy as a whole for the nations. I shall discuss the detailed aspects of 'Trust Relationships' here, how it works and how it can bring economic development across nations through 'Trust Corridors', if implemented. The theory of 'Trust Relationship' can work for a whole region for economic uplift as well as it can also works for peace, stability and integrity of a region. This is actually the foundation of China's Belt and Road initiative and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Moreover, there are examples of the application of the theory are – North and South Korea, and deal between US, Mexico..........
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Abstract: The premium value (Pmax) that an insured willing to pay is determined using risk aversion function for different utility functions. Therefore in the present paper we made an attempt to determine Pmax for the risk aversion function assuming the loss random variable to follow different forms of discrete analogues continuous loss distributions. We give numerical illustrations using different parameter values of discrete analogues continuous loss distributions.
Key Words: Insurance premium, risk aversion, utility function, discretization and loss distribution.
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[5]. Holland, H. S. (1975). Some Results on the Discretization of Continuous Probability Distributions, Technometrics, Vol. 17(3), 333-339
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Governance, human capital and economic growth into the countries of WAEMU |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Camara Klindjo Irene |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1004015773 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper focuses on the empirical analysis of the place of human capital in the relationship between governance and economic growth in the WAEMU countries during the period 1996-2012. Generalized least squares (GCM) estimates show that governance indicators taken in isolation have negative effects on the evolution of gross domestic product (GDP). Second, human capital across education levels contributes to GDP growth. Finally, the interaction of governance indicators with human capital shows positive effects on GDP.
Keywords: Governance; Human capital ; Economic growth
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Abstract: L'objectif de ce travail est d'évaluer l'impact des investissements directs étrangers (IDE) sur la réduction de la pauvreté, aussi bien directement qu'à travers ses effets sur la croissance et les inégalités, dans l'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA). Ainsi, à l'aide de données de panel sur la période 1990-2017 et d'un modèle à trois équations simultanées, les résultats montrent que, les IDE réduisent directement la pauvreté, mesurée par l'indice de développement humain (IDH), mais pas à travers leurs effets sur la croissance et les inégalités de revenus. Au vu de cela, les autorités de l'Union devront mettre en place des mesures incitatives dans les secteurs à forte intensité de main d'oeuvre en vue de réorienter les IDE vers les activités dans lesquelles exercent le plus les personnes pauvres.
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